Detailed lesson plans for grammar

DLP – detailed lesson plans as used in the Philippines are usually detailed to the extent of giving specific words that a teacher might say to students and their expected responses. This style of lesson plans are not used in Canada, India, USA, UK or even Thailand. a Philippine style DLP is like a script for what the teacher plans to do in the class. It is an interesting way to do things, however, I feel this DLP ties down a teacher to the proposed lesson plan. It does have the “Objectives” and “material” mentioned. I have made 3 DLPs for grammar lessons. You may download them. A detailed lesson plan must have these parts: 1. Objectives 2. learning resources/materials 3. Content 4. Procedure 5. Remarks 6. Reflection

Detailed Learning plan – Using adjectives to describe things

Detailed Learning plan – Actions with adverbs

Detailed learning plan – Pronouns

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