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printable Story telling scripts for competition

Story telling scripts download competition judging criteria

Story telling scripts you can download from here for free. This page is to help students and teachers prepare for the competition. These were all used in a competition in October 2019. I was given the opportunity to be part of the judging panel. I’m going to share how a Story telling competition is judged what are the criteria. If you are a teacher looking for resources to download you are in the right place. So you can focus on helping the participants. Let’s get to the point.

The rules for Story telling.

1.Time – Each team is given 10 minutes
(30 seconds less than ten minutes or 30 seconds over 10 minutes will lose 2 points from the score.)

2.Story structure.

3.Vocabulary and pronunciation.

4. Movement and gestures.

5. Moral of the story.

These are the broad categories to judge the teams. The moral of the story was given 20 points and if a team missed stating the moral of the story they lose 20! The latest competition happened on 8th October in Sakon Nakhon, Thailand at Thatnaraiwittaya school.

Teacher’s responsible to help students perform

A teacher is assigned to help the students with the content and presentation. Under their supervision the script is selected. Teachers look to the web for solutions and I have a selection of scripts you can download.
While preparing the students, pay particular attention to the energy levels and clear pronunciation. I’ve always maintained that students particularly Thai students need to enunciate word endings. They don’t usually enunciate the words endings enough to be clear in their speech.

Story telling scripts you can print or download

1. Beauty and the beast
2. Blood Moon
3. Cinderella
4. The Frog prince
5. The giving tree
6. The gift of the golden flowers
7. Like father like son
8. The little red hood
9. The little rice box that killed mother
10. Rapunzel
11. Red riding hood
12. Snow White
13. The shepherd boy and the wolf
14. The three little pigs
15. The three billy goats gruff

I hope this helps you. Please leave a comment if want to. You can follow me on @Scottkroo

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