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Beauty and the beast story telling script

Beauty and the beast story telling script

beauty and the beast story telling

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Beauty and the beast download the full script

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. But the prince was selfish and unkind. One night…
My Prince, please let me stay in your castle for only tonight for it is raining so hard and I am so cold and hungry in return I can give this rose to you….
You are so cruel! I will punish you for your cruelty and will make you a beast! You will just return into your old self after you learned how to love wholeheartedly!
BELLE: Oh! What a beautiful day! Good morning everyone! GASTON: (pointing to BELLE) She’s the one I’m going to marry.
GASTON: Hello, Belle. BELLE: Good day Gaston! (but walking away from him)
GASTON: Let’s walk together. BELLE: Maybe some other time. I will go to my father.
GASTON: Ha ha ha, that crazy old man?
BELLE: My father’s not crazy! He’s a genius! (while Maurice walks away)


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